We will be the first to give up what we believe is rightfully ours and become last. We will give up our zipcodes, titles, privilege, connections, money, and life because when grace is all we have, grace is all we need. ⠀
We will no longer use our brother and sister as a measuring stick for our own holiness, worthiness and wholeness -because grace is all we have and grace is all we need. ⠀
We will no longer vote for ourselves without thinking of our marginalized neighbors -because grace is all we have and grace is all we need. ⠀
We will no longer be overcome by anxiety that we must leave a mark on this world -because grace is all we have and grace is all we need. ⠀
We will no longer dismiss or deject our neighbor because of what they do not have. We will not minimize their pain to a news headline -because grace is all we have and grace is all we need. ⠀
We will see the image of God in every person we meet. Not expecting their inadequacies to puff up our own abilities -because grace is all we have and grace is all we need.⠀
We will celebrate when we find our own voices fading while others are rising -because grace is all we have and grace is all we need.⠀ ⠀
We will know to the core of our being that we are loved and there is nothing we can do to change it -because grace is all we have and grace is everything and more than we need.